Majestic Glory Ministries founder Robert Wolff promotes reconciliation between Jews and Gentiles by accepting our God-given identity as One New Man in our Messiah Yeshua. His use of Kingdom Kinetics employs publishing, speaking and media platforms to achieve unity within the Kingdom of God. The Many Waters Project partners First Nations of America with Israel via mutually beneficial enterprises. The O.A.T.H. Project (One Against Trafficking Humans) enlists believers to combat slavery. Robert’s outreach to faith-based groups encompasses an array of denominations, ministries, and messianic organizations. His pertinent literary works promoting spiritual growth include: Kingdom Calling: A Field Manual for Believers; Sitting with Seamoor - addresses the fundamental questions of faith; Catch & Release: A Church Set Free - exemplifies Yeshua’s instructions to release disciples to be Fishers of Men; UNITY: Awakening the One New Man - authoritative study of our identity in Yeshua; Have You Seen the Lamb? - biblically consistent novel linking Passover to our roots in First and New Testaments; and My First 40 Days with the Lord - complimentary devotional for newcomers and devout. Robert is married to Wendy and lives in Malibu.